Thursday, September 30, 2004

babies galore largish bash crowd dislocation

went into town to meet a particular group of people who used to work together where i still work, but a few years ago (how to make a simple statement sound complicated), Dg pregnant, glowing as ever, B & N with baby Z, 13 weeks, last saw him (them) @ nippy's party about a week into his life, me, M & L from work, and josiah & grace, grace @ 54 weeks a whole lot heavier than Z,

lovely, but brief, dashed up for the press night, to which no press came, but a largish crowd, third night of the run, good to see it working, the music sits in it as though it's always been there.

got chatting with them afterwards, particularly K, love her sense of humour, we missed each other right at the end of the night and she left a message on my phone including the word "tiddle dee" said in front of lots of people she assured me... strange the dislocation of missing her though,

and E phoned me, crossing paths with the letter that she'll get tomorrow, she better it seems... unresolvedness from me that right now mixes in with that dislocation and doesn't taste so good,

have to find a tune to teach to my students tomorrow...


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