i got up this morning because me , T & S, the same team who went to gloucester a few weeks back to get the mixing desk, were going to go to bristol to get the computer...
i've got a small mark on my face, not quite a bruise, from last night, i was cycling back from the christian musical rehearsal and it had been lightly snowing since i'd cycled in, cycling in the beginning snow had been lovely...

cycling on the way back was lovely at first, but cycling over a bridge over the railway i decided it was so great looking i had to stop and take a picture...
even though i'd told myself at the start of the journey that the key was to try not to break, i broke, and i fell off my bike... noone around to see, but it was fairly miserable still...

as i was cycling up the hill (towards where i used to do the dawn project) someone through a snowball at me, and i'm ashamed to say it drew from me a "f*ck off", my 1st snowball of the season and i didn't see the joy in it...
much later, just before bed, dinah called me into the bedroom to see a fox that had found something to eat in our garden and was busying himself with it...

it continued to snow all night and it was beautiful this morning... i was still in bed when dinah got out and i heard her say "oh... it's a winter wonderland"...
she went off to work and i was about to go meet T & S when i rang T to check it was still on and he cancelled it, maybe tomorrow, maybe wednesday now, so here i was, all dressed and ready to go out... beautiful snowing day out there...
how could i not walk to the park?

my john martyn listening is coming along, so far i've listened to "bless the weather", "grace and danger", most of "inside out", and most of this listening was this morning in the park... i left @ 9am and got back @ 10:30, very glad of the 2 hot patches that i bought down in brighton...
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