Thursday, May 01, 2008

notable deaths workers day polling

a new blog (to me) that i'm liking, colourful, photos, arty, lives in paris but pops to london...

and although they both happened a little while back (days, weeks?) i want to bid a fond farewell to humphrey littleton and to albert hoffman, the former for his love of music and the latter for his mind expanding drugs...

go well gentlemen... go well...

so i cycled to near where we used to live on the off chance i'm still registered to vote there, and i am... although they moved the polling station which foxed me for a little while...

i leftlisted all the way with a 2nd vote for ken in the mayoral.. then i rang up spski and popped in for a cuppa, encouraged him to vote (doing my bit to keep out the BNP) as he hadn't seen his voting slip for the same reason i hadn't seen mine - the moving out and the not being on speaking terms with the old household... i assured him he didn't need it and in fact neither of us had our identification looked at in the polling station...

he showed me some pictures he'd taken (this is his, can you see the lady in the light that i can see?) and i made sure my video's worked on his machine, he's gazing at the dawn project for me with a view to a narrative emerging... although his ideas at the moment are all about where and how to show it...

he also showed me this video which has a couple of seconds of him (@ 1:10) in the bear film we made back in february...

i told him about my plan for phase 2 of the filming which i'm now thinking i might have to wait for the autumn equinox for... what with the length of the days now... i want a camera pointing at the green man's face as the sun 1st hits him, then maybe 5 seconds of video every 10 minutes until the sun leaves him...

right now i think the sun 1st says hello to him around 5am and i've no idea when it leaves him but the day closes around 7ish... not that i'm ready with the camera yet, i suspect i'm going to have to source another one, unless i can find a way of remotely operating floopy's one that i used for the main dawn shoot...

anyway... i floated back here a little while ago but dinah's still out drinking after her opening night of henry the leper... i have a day off tomorrow which will be the improvisation and maybe an esoteric thought or two...


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