Wednesday, January 09, 2008

leeds new telly

so, what with the rec-calculation based on ignoring myself, our 7777th visitor turned out to be... from...

(wait for it)


which i know very little about, only that i once stopped off in leeds on a hitching journey going further north and i found myself doing magic mushrooms with some lovely people and listening to john martyn who i just spelt wrong and searched for in google maps by mistake & found Big John Drive in Martin:

View Larger Map

but enough random frivolity... TV baby TV... i took the plunge and bought a TV from argos which had a sticker on the box saying:

two person indeed but did i need another person?

did i heck, well, just within sight of home it started to slip a bit on the bicycle (strolling beside the bicycle not madly cycling along) and in fact when i got it to the front door i had to ask for dinah's help to get it off the bike and into the flat..

so now we can watch DVD's better quality than my computer gives and we can watch BBC2 pretty well and all the other channels except channel 5 fairly poorly until next friday when virgin media are installing our digital TV ness and then... well that'll be quite something, let me tell you x

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