Thursday, January 03, 2008

cats & reading

we now have a dining table, that went up with floopy's help on tuesday, me & dinah have been making the chairs... 2 out of 4 being all we need for now... ikea...

no sofa yet but i think we're near to sealing the deal on a nice 2-seater in crouchend...

so the dining table implied changes and we obeyed the changes... being a shifting of a book case... and then i found myself moving a part of box mountain... but why am i telling you this? -

i think i can find a way to set up our computers in this flat with the network switch (not a router) so that they can all have internet... i think... -

and i dawn projected this morning and it was very cold... i regretted not having my battery powered gloves with me it was that cold, afterwards i took the same route i would normally have taken even though floopy and T aren't there today (i borrowed landlordE's camera) to feed cleo, and then i sat for half an hour or so with her on my lap reading...

then home and straight back to bed, waking around 1 with dinah bringing me tea & toast, then a little bit more reading, this time with balthazara,

oh that's right, that's why i was telling you about the boxes... they are mostly boxes of books and moving them around i managed to pick out a few i could read now, being in a bookdesert as i was... and the book i'm now reading (from the bowels of box mountain) is called the lowlife and it's great...

off to E's shortly to do this week's improvisation, i've traded the landlord who had a beautiful grand piano for a landlord who has many, many interesting keyboard instruments... happy days x

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