Thursday, July 13, 2006

33... yes i am...

and i have the most amazing hat...

so, starting from tuesday night when i'd been drinking all day... i'd fallen asleep in front of the TV (watching the 2nd of these very good BBC4 doc's about weather - the jet stream on monday night and then el nino tuesday)... dinah rang me - waking me from my nap... boobelah i need you to come down to the kitchen i've got a bit tangled...

i looked at the time and worked it out, midnight had passed, i sleepily went down to the basement where marilyn monroe was singing to the president and there was my beautiful girlfriend, wearing the dress that she'd made for new years eve, with my presents laid out on the table surrounded by night lights...

cufflinks... curb your enthusiasm DVD... the hat....

and that hat just made me smile for ages and ages, really woke me up... puss in boots as one party guest the next night had it...

so the next morning she woke up and cooked me breakfast before i went to work, meeting me by the river in my lunch hour... steaming my suit, shining my shoes...

she looked after me all day...

we went over to manolis's in the evening, meeting felinity there, setting up my old keyboard that i've had for 17 years now that much later J played a few tunes on, and then i sang 2 or 3 drunken songs...

by which time the night had been going on for 5 hours or so, swelling from me, dinah & felinity to somewhere between 15-20 people, josiah & grace, godma G, nippy & r9, producer G & his C (who got on really well with dinah - i knew they would), F & B (recently married), spanna, auntie opera, spski, k-wo, K, T & M from here...

one of those nights where i didn't really talk with anyone, flitting about from person to person, hanging out alot with grace, me & her went outside at one point and it was really nice looking back & seeing manolis's full of my friends...

and then today we woke up late, grace & josiah & me & dinah went over to the amazon for some very, very welcome food, and in the evening i met up with felinity and saw the circus space's 2nd year degree course show in shoreditch park... very good, some acts in particular shone through, i was going to come home and do my weekly improvisation but blogging took over and also J & K have been rocking out downstairs until just now so it wouldn't have been the silent canvas i'd want... something about the performance of the circus stuff though i found inspirational, the gestures, the extreme performance of it... maybe i'll do the improvisation now anyway... hmmm...


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