Saturday, November 13, 2004

day after party six feet under bliss

so i went to that party last night, very tired at the end of my week but i went, as if i could possibly have not gone,

as soon as i arrived i sat down & played the skryabin to F, whose party it was, they turned off the sound system for me. didn't play it perfectly, in fact by the time i'd finished F had wandered off so i went into something else improvised, came back to bits of skryabin a few times then played the whole piece again, lovely piano, returned to many, many times through the night, alone or with others, always playing barely audibly against the sound system,

had a lovely night, sad to see the last of F for a while, odd that i see her so infrequently but she is so important to me, although that does happen with all kinds of people i guess, standing @ hackney wick train station waiting for my train home @ 6 am i wrote some of another verse to harbour walls, i'd like to finish it soon & then do a tiny recital of it with the skryabin in my house, just to the inmates... what with josiah & grace more removed now & F headed off, godmaG already gone, (her shadow so haunted the party last night), i have quite enough leaving to draw on, it's just how do the midparts develope from the verses?

a man took a fancy to me & announced his intentions by shouting that man's staring at my crotch and pointing at me, reminds me now of the first day i ever ran a session in a learning difficulties day centre and was quite pleased with how well it had gone until this guy in a headbrace started pointing to me & yelling that mans giving me an headache, formative scary teaching moment...

my brother has come through and today in my slightly ragged state i watched the first of the four remaining episodes of six feet under, and what a wonder it was, just how great can tv be sometimes....

off out now to see the pigs... x

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

couldn't think of a better way then to spend saturday watching the final episodes of six feet under.

I was lucky enough to spend the remainder of the day cleaning the warehouse. damn was it a mess!!
however something quite soothing about cleaning broken beer bottles off the sticky floor and mopping for over an hour. by 8pm i'd just about got rid of the smell of chemicals and sexy cigarette smoke.

The truth be known I never wandered away from you while you beautifully played skryabin I was hijacked by people who for the life of them cannot stand the pain of beauty.

My piano was the happiest she's been in some time!!

A bench should always be positioned in front of a piano and at least two people sat at it..... or not sometimes sitting at it alone is paradise.

sometimes paradise is sitting
is paradise sitting sometimes
times some sit in paradise
sit in paradise sometimes

everyone sometimes x