Friday, January 15, 2010

clock tale hour

so, briefly...

i got home yesterday to find my beloved clock had stopped @ 11:52 am...

this threw me...

i took it apart, i gazed at it, i took out the batteries, put them back in...?

then in the night i got a head ache and it woke me up... the same kind of head ache i'd had yesterday morning on waking...

anyway, i took some ibuprofen and tried to get back to sleep, but to no avail, only when it was getting light, around 7:45 am did i slip back into sleep...

waking @ 10:30, the time i should have been starting teaching...

so i phoned in sick...

i decided to eat @ jai's and see if it made me feel any better, so i was waiting around for 12 O'clock to come and i paid some attention to the clock, in bits...

i plugged in a mains adapter and it started working... strange... the batteries surely wouldn't have run out in a week?

i set the time and left for jai's...

when i came back i decided to try the batteries and it worked also... strange..

then i realised that i'd got it working exactly 24 hours after it had stopped working... 11:52 am...

so now i'm assuming it took a day off sick, like me...


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