Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Yr3wk22 rhodes, NORD synth & electric upright bass

recorded on saturday with JR on electric upright bass, the last we'll see of this particular NORD rack 1 synth,

but fear not the moog is here, i got it this afternoon, wearing my moog T-shirt, carrying the Can record that was part of the deal...

i popped in to marylebone station to see M (sister in law) who was in town, for the 1st time i heard her answer the phone as MK, that was kooky... she's looking very well...

i might do this weeks improvisation tonight, with the moog, floopy's camera is probably going to norway with floopy later this week so it'd be good to take advantage of it being here...

strange that i've been home for an hour or so and i still haven't played it...


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