Thursday, November 27, 2008

Herbert Deutsch invocation

more on the moog,

it was designed after Bob Moog left the moog company in'77, designed by herbert deutsch who had worked with mr moog back in the 60's on the 1st moogs,

bob moog died recently, herbert deutsch is very much alive, he teaches for hofstra university, and i tracked down his email address...

i sent him a hello, with a link to last week's improvisation (featuring the moog),

i sent it on saturday and on monday he emailed back...

"thanks for the improv and the red wine. The opus sounds nice. might be a bit better shape than my old one. Keep up the improvs. I don't think they are "a little bit stupid".
Herb Deutsch"

in that improvisation i was sipping wine (rose as it goes) and midway through (around 10 minutes in i think) i accidentally stopped the recording with my foot, i fixed it but i was kind of muttering about being "a little bit stupid"...

this has kept me a little bit lifted off the ground for a couple of days...

not only did this man who designed my moog, reply to my email, but he watched the 20 minute improvisation as well...


other moog related news being that the string section, which it was sold to me as being not working, has life...

i've known of a kind of life it has for a week now but i found other life, in a different form, and it sounds fantastic...

this has just come through leaving the beast on all the time... it's gradually finding itself... i did open her up the other day and clean her a bit and that might have done something... who knows? anyway,

this happens when all the outputs are turned off, it shouldn't be making sound, but it's bleeding through, and it's exactly the sound i want to work, it's just not going through the right amplification bits...

when it works (which it will), there is a circuit which looks out for really high resonance and switches something off, to avoid distortion...

this ghost in the machine sound doesn't have the turning off circuit, so it distorts like nobody's business and this is how i found it...

yesterday i recorded a brief improvisation with the ghost sound, turned up a whole load... turned up some more once in the computer, running it through noise reduction twice to scare off the hiss that came with it...

i love it...

i think i'll put it on my myspace, but maybe the out there version of my myspace...

i'll let you know if it goes up, it's worth hearing at least once...

on listening to it it occurred to me that it was like an invocation...

i've called it invocation to a long dead god and i'm thinking of something like the god that the prehumans invoked, before homo-sapian, some early homo erectus...

maybe they could make a sound that pleased this god, or could call it... but with our evolution into homo-sapian out throats and mouths evolved to such an extent that we could no longer make the sound and the god fell away...

that's the god i'm invoking with this tune x

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