Thursday, August 21, 2008


so my new box has lost it's gig virginity,

went over to hammersmithwork to see G and we ran through the set, me teaching him 2 of mine and him teching me 2 of his...

one of mine being brand new and beautiful... (i think)...

a whole heap of acoustic guitars and vocals on the night, plus us, doing our strangely terrifying thing, a great little band called the mayfly trio, got chatting to them and found them somewhat similar to semble, that great and beautiful now defunk 3 piece from kingston... the mayfly fol not similar musically, but socially i think...

lovely D from hammersmithwork came with his S, along with JTJP... nice to be supported, and to meet S after hearing about her so much from D...

and now i'm simply knackered, still with no money but we do have gas now...


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