Saturday, August 30, 2008


woke up kind of blue and at some point in the day balthazara came to see me and we had a love-in, always just the ticket...

a little later than this i was lying on the bed with my hand outstretched, reading the new scientist, balthazara was near my hand...

she was in a slightly different mood from the lovely, purring, stroking balthazara, for a little while she was lying half on and half off my hand and she took to licking my hand, then her own fur, then my hand,

i knew what was coming, i smooshed her, (dinah's word) meaning i touched her belly, and she continued to lick me, but suddenly her back legs kicked in and she was kicking at my hand, then biting my hand, then biting and kicking at once, i left the hand there and we did this a few times, drifting from one state to the other...

she bit really hard, not breaking the skin (that fleshy part of the hand between the thumb and the wrist) but stinging quite a bit...

i love that cat x

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