Thursday, August 02, 2007

i have been ignoring facebook for awhile now and today, particularly after speaking with felinity yesterday... i gave in...

did the dawn project this morning and i did do a videoblog, even though i'd told myself i wasn't going to... at least not every week... but i've been knee deep in marking all day and haven't had a chance to edit it...

felinity met me yesterday to buy me my birthday present, a ritual we began on her birthday, (or was that last year?) and she got me the birth of the cool music, scored out for 9 musicians...

i can't wait to get my teeth into it and get an arrangement for my piano...

we almost went to see transformers... it looks like that'll be saturday night now... and we did eat in the chinese place we eat at and drank in the salisbury... awfully nice as ever...

and earlier on during the day i'd been to the BFI, largely to play chess with the bookseller there (although he didn't have his board with him) & i took the opportunity to check out the new back bit...

and it is lovely...

it has a media centre there where you can search the BFI's archives... some day soon i will be perusing randomly...

anyway, still marking and i've got to get myself ready to gig tonight so i'll leave it @ that x

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