bram stoker was probably suffering like i am when he wrote dracula... it's such a sensual thing, knowing that you shouldn't scratch but scratching anyway... the momentary release before the nagging need begins again...
it's as though my bites were independent beings, calling to me...
a couple of nights ago we slept in dinah's room and a mosquito bit me in 4 places...
i was awake when it was happening and i could feel it, i've suspected for awhile that there is at least one, if not a family of them in her room,
anyway, i pulled anchor and relocated back to here with dinah in sleepy tow and have been dealing with those bites since...
i was fairly good yesterday, there's one on my neck and i was wearing a T'shirt which rubbed against it all day, so that was hard, but i only succumbed once or twice,
then we slept again in her room last night, after she'd burnt citronella in there to clear them, in fact i'd cleared one the night of the bites, possibly the only one that was in there...
it had bitten my left elbow where my arm had been around her and my right shoulder... then i'd moved, trying to cover up completely but with my hands were by my neck and it had bitten my right hand and my neck...
so when i decamped i found it on my shirt, patiently waiting for me to settle down again, so i grabbed it in a tissue and flushed it down the loo...
last night i don't think there were any in there but there were some in my brain, i would almost fall asleep and then automatically scratch one of the bites, before scratching all of them... leaving me in a state of nervous/anguished/half-satisfied wakefulness...
my right hand is looking a little better today but around the bite a sea of red has expanded, taking over at least half of the back of my hand, and a trail of red snakes it way down my wrist almost to my elbow... very strange, i might get some antihistamine tablets...
anyway, long and rambling and i haven't even got to the main thing which is manolis's letter... i'm going over there in an hour or so for my last ever meal in that cafe, this is the letter he's put on the window of the cafe... actually i think it deserves it's own post... x