Friday, July 27, 2007


felinity rang earlier to make sure i was still alive, i hadn't replied to a message of hers earlier in the week, and i hadn't blogged since last saturday...

now i think i've always been rubbish about answering messages, but when was the last time i didn't blog for a week?

so, apart from telling you that i'm not dead, lets give you a little run down of my week:

sunday night: saw W(floopy)shaman & T and T returned spski's book the historian to him via us, which i then routed to myself...

in fact that probably explains it... it's a 700 page book and if i hadn't left it at the recording session i did yesterday i would have finished it by now...

but let's move on...

monday: largely lazy day, read alot...

tuesday: a couple of hours work took up much of my day... played piano in the evening,

wednesday: working, meant to be all day but it stopped around 2:30, but my bike was in the menders nearby and not ready until 5:30 so i read the book in the local library... watched heroes in the evening (great)...

thursday: recording session @ lovely E's, with D & G from hammersmith work, ten minutes of which make up this week's improvisation, left the book there by accident, played piano in the evening,

friday (today): up at stupid o'clock for the dawn project (because i slept through it yesterday), then over to W(floopy)shaman & T's for his firewire cable, back to mine to capture the video of yesterday's improvisation, then a nap, then editing video, back to floopy's to drop off camera and lend mic, over to E's to pick up audio of improvisation, which is now rendering...

my boobelah is cooking our shabbat meal downstairs, my computer will be rendering into the early hours, we've been videoing kingdom hospital since wednesday night and haven't yet caught up, that's 3 hours of TV before we can watch tonight's episode, we'll be recording that one as well then... (but there isn't one on tonight, does that mean it's finished?)

and how great is heroes?

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