Sunday, May 13, 2007


it was written in the 1920's by hoagy carmichael, it was then covered by practically everyone who was anyone in 30's jazz... 40's jazz... 50's...

anyway, i saw frank sinatra sing it the other day and i was reminded of how much i love it...

that night me & dinah went round to W(floopy)shaman & T's for a shabbat meal that was lovely...

anyway over the course of the night we got drunk & stoned to the extent that once home i couldn't sleep, so i kept my notebook by the bed, so as not to disturb dinah too much in the night...

i lay there for awhile, trying to sleep, then i wrote for awhile, then i got up and went downstairs, eventually getting back into bed just before dinah had to get up @ 8...

i'd spent the entire night thinking about the song and how i wanted to do a version of it, i'd messaged yimkin on myspace about it, downloaded lyrics and a few different versions of the chords, developed the opening couple of minutes for the video...

around 6 i still wasn't ready to sleep so i video'd the sky and the crescent moon, and the sun which was up by then, all from the top of the house, while i watched chungking express...

yesterday i downloaded as many versions of it as i could... many bad, many cheesy, in fact frank's version from the 40's is still the closest to what i want, although a 21st century production...

glen miller does it well too...

my next step is to find a way of playing it, somehow akin to my arrangement of that song i did a few summers ago when i had the quintet that never gigged... what was that song?


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