Saturday, January 08, 2005

bop it sorcerers cake

after hearing a radio programme about nick drake the other day, listening to how he got a break in the late 60's it's nice to link it in my mind with this film that was on TV tonight, The Sorcerers, made in london in 1967 by Michael Reeves who was 23 when he made this one & made one more film: Witchfinder General before he died of an overdose @ 25,

the film takes place partly in a groovy london club, it was made with very little money, it has an elderly couple controlling the mind and experiencing the sensations of a young man... it was pretty great.

this reeves now intrigues me, it seems there's a book about him which could be good...

bop it extreme has entered my life.

T (housemate) has brought it into this house and is trying to get everyone to engage with it, she will almost certainly not succeed with a couple of us but some of us are engaged already...

after the film i went down to the kitchen and spent all together too long trying to work out how to turn the thing on, it has two forms of the game that we're playing on it, one with a voice which tells you what to do along with sound effects, the other with just the sound effects, i appear to be better at it with just the sound effects, what this tells me about myself i'm not altogether sure, oh who is out there who may have written a neurological study of bopit extreme, relating it to different types of learners....?

i also ate cake, the same make of cake that was the best cake we'd ever had on new years eve, it's still pretty damn good cake, even without hallucinogens,

it is really windy.

today i went to the squat in highgate that P is moving into, her room is very high up, it is very windy, really quite eerie, huge, huge place, in the next 12 hours or so the winds are going to be really strong, that house, enduring all that wind...


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