Friday, January 14, 2005

balthazara blue light constellations

dr K was given an obscure flashing light for christmas which she gave to me, written on the bottom:

Diections: put it in the water,

flash automatically

grace liked it when she was here just after new year so i wanted to give it to her but once she & her mum were safely on the train to brighton i found i still had it in my pocket, balthazara likes it, it lives under my bed, when i came home tonight after the rehearsal it had stopped flashing, just a steady, dim, blue light, maybe i should put it in water like the diections say...?

lack of sleep made today a little tricky, there seemed to be a subtle tension at play towards the end of the day, my energy level was plumetting so it could have been just in my head, hard to say, but i felt it...

as i came home from the tube tonight after the rehearsal i caught sight of the night sky and stood with my head tilted back and gazed at it, all the constellations, the handful that i know, the hundreds that i don't know... orion standing out, the night before (last night - wednesday night) - stood at P's window looking out over london, looking at the stars, asking her if she knew any constellations, pointing out orion to her... a romantic dream i used to have as a kid that i would be stood one day with a beautiful woman pointing out stars to her...

balthazara here and sweet to me...


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