Sunday, May 30, 2010

YMCK & Blewbury

1st blewbury, the whole of our immediate knight clan met up over there yesterday, because felinity & her G were planning to go down & pick up some plants...

i met felinity & G down @ the BFI IMAX @ some ungodly hour of the morning for Avatar... the 2nd time i'd seen it there and with slightly better seats, although still not perfect...

3D cinema really does require some extra brain work, small parts of my mind constructing the 3D world from the 2 visual sources, and we all found this a bit hard after 3 hours, but it's a great film, i loved it until the last hour and felinity could have lost the middle hour or so... if only G had really disliked the 1st hour we could have all had separate hour breaks...

then off we drove across to blewbury, where D&M&C had also landed, i got to sing a little bit of charlotte's song to charlotte just before they left, got an appropriate leaning in my direction from her as a response...

mum & dad both well, D&M on good form & felinity & G their lovely selves... charlotte the star...

got home last night and i've woken today with nothing to do...

not the worst sensation in the world... i might ring up le fam pevo & see what they're up to, i have been invited to a barbecue by someone i met last weekend, but i'm not sure i'm ready for so many strangers @ once today...

G came round on wednesday night to finish watching the leopard (visconti) & whilst he was here he showed me a few ableton tips, so i'm curious about that little world, music making in a different way... also i've got charlotte's song to finish writing & begin recording, a tune of HK's that i said i'd find a bassline for which i've had the idea for, but not followed through with the recording...

so there's a few things i might do... or again i might do nothing at all, smoke a little & play the rhodes all day x

listening to YMCK - family genesis, it's beautiful... i find their songs pop into my head at odd times... lovely music...

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