Wednesday, February 18, 2009

moses jones no sleep

so if you're astute, you'll have seen from the time of that last post that it was from 8 in the morning...

and if you know me... you'll have wondered why i was up that early...

the truth is i had a couple of hours sleep that night, but by 5am it was clear that was all i was going to get right then, so i got up...

smoked a little (a peculiar pleasure at the hour) and got on with my business - recording music from the D8 into my computer... sifting through the stuff i'd already recorded...

at some point i ate some cheese - i remember thinking i was smoking AND eating cheese if i could have slept my dreams would have been marvellous...

around 7 i was thinking i should try and sleep again...

but then before i knew it it was 8 and dinah was up, she made me a tea...

then the day started to impinge on me a bit and i realised i needed floopy's camera, then he agreed to drop it round and pick up my mic...

which meant waiting for him to arrive...

i finally crept into bed with a hot water bottle around 9:45 am... with my alarm set to 11:45 am...

but no sleep was evident... around 10:30 my friend D rang me out of the blue... he agreed to ring back later... this was the final thing... no sleep was going to happen... it was nice though, being in bed with a hot water bottle...

i decided to get up and watch "moses jones" on catchup from the night before (monday night)...

it turned out to be the final episode and it was disappointing...

still enjoyable, but a real let down after the promise of the 1st episode... looking back, the 2nd episode had shown signs of not quite being great...

and it makes me sad,

in american TV there's a tradition of following a fantastic opening series with a flawed 2nd series...

lost, heroes, desperate housewives... to name a few...

in england it's as though the model is that much smaller, we can do a really fantastic opening episode, but can't sustain it...

having said that the devil's whore was great...

i went out to meet G later on, to go through his tunes and talk about approaches to recording, we also improvised... really odd improvisation that i have no idea what it's like...

there are few people i'd want to be around on only 2 hours sleep and G is definitely one of them... lovely guy...

we went over to the queen elizabeth hall in the evening for a night of music & chance which was a little patchy, but had some great moments in it...

particularly the charles ives piece they did...


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