Wednesday, April 16, 2008

e=mc squared

does mariah carey understand what this equation means?

in any way?

does she get asked about it in interviews..? is there a clause in her contract that she is not to be asked what it means?

or does she in fact have an interest in physics and is perfectly able to explain not only what the equation means but the ramifications of the special theory of relativity...

it's hard to hear it but here is einstein talking about e=mc squared,

we went to see the film with the music tonight... it's such a strange thing writing music and then seeing it in it's place, it always freaks me out a bit, added to which i have this flu/cold thing which means i'm a little out there, you know how slight feverishness can do...

ah, that's nice, i recently moved a whole bunch of mp3's from my old computer to my new seemingly bottomless hard drive and after einsteins voice my itunes decided to play me a skryabin study, (this is because i had ordered my itunes by song length)... this new phone of mine is ushering in an mp3 renaissance which is lovely,

there's music on this hard drive i had forgotten all about, but i miss my little ipod shuffle, the new pone wants to be as great as the little shuffle but the experience is just not as good yet as the shuffle with itunes used to be... if only the little fella would work again...


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