Sunday, April 06, 2008

adverts, indian food, horror, poo

i don't know, adverts, as if i get enough people looking at this blog to make any money out of it... i may well change my mind because it may just irritate me no end seeing the google ads at the top of these posts, this being my home page... but it's there for now, public service ads until they judge what kind of blog this is and assess what kind of ads to put there...

if it makes you sick please put a note in the comments before you leave me forever...

in other news i woke up today (saturday) with a hangover from the small amount of cheap white wine bought in a bar last night and i had no dinah to look after me and make me tea, she being away for the weekend, so i went back to bed, rising around 18:30, feeling more human...

went over to jai krishna around 10ish to eat of their delicious fair, dinah not a fan of indian food and it's not so close anymore so i hardly go at all these days, i was phoning them to make sure they were still open and i ordered my food over the phone to speed it up because they were close to closing...

"masala dosa with no peas" and once i said "no peas" she knew who i was and sounded pleased... always nice...

i just saw 30 days of night and it was pretty great, fantastic turn from danny huston as head vampire and josh hartnet wasn't half bad...

improvising tomorrow - untless i can't sleep in which case i'll do it tonight on headphones, yawning though now @ 1:30 am which is a good sign...

and i'm making a bid for balthazara shitting outside, the litter tray has been outside the backdoor since yesterday and although there were light showers today i changed the litter and hopefully it won't rain until tomorrow now, i don't really have a solution to the litter tray being outside in the rain, but i'm determined to leave it out there for a few days and certainly not to bring it back in...

we were trying this when she went missing a few weeks ago, and when she was back we relented and brought it in the flat again, but not this time, some kind of shelter out there, not that she's used it in the 36 hours or so it's been out there, she's probably already using the garden... either that or she's shitting in the corner of my room i can't get too because it's stuff mountain again, i'll probably find it all in a few days once the smell alerts me to it...

anyway, bed x

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