Saturday, November 17, 2007


thursday was a really mad day for me...

spski joined me for the dawn project which was previously unheard of and very pleasant, i decided to cycle into work and back instead of taking my keyboard there on the tube then on to the rehearsal with the new band...

i found out that me & dinah can move into the flat we wanted...

i found a way to get from finsbury park to south bermondsey without going through any barriers...

i met the new band who turned out to be lovely, quite a possibility there i think...

and i was travelling home around elevenish, i got onto the northbound picadilly line platform @ kingscross and there was a seat free, only it had a bag on it...

so i asked whose bag it was and if they'd mind moving it so i could rest my keyboard and it turned out to be kenneth's bag and he asked me if it was a trombone i was carrying...?

he's from barbados and i guess he's in his 60's and we spoke at length waiting for the tube about singers, musicians, the crash of the cymbals, ray charles, harry seacombe, he was a passionate man and he expressed it well, his love of music...

i love random meetings x

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