Sunday, November 25, 2007


not sure what to do about internet in the new place so i'm not accepting any more challenges in the internet chess world until we're up & running...

i've still got 4 games on the go on facebook chess, but there's no time limit on them so that's alright, and i'm playing dinah & her dad over on, G (who used to live in this room) has recently beaten me and has challenged me to another game on gameknot but it seems i've broken a rule and they've completely stopped all my ability to talk to G, it's really dumb, i'm tempted to bin off gameknot completely but is not quite so good yet...

so once these 2 games are done with dinah & her dad i'll be largely disengaged from internet chess - very strange - opening firefox and seeing if it's my move is such a part of my day, i already feel slightly lost...

so far i've packed 3 boxes of books and i've decided to lose about a 3rd of a box of books... x

1 comment:

felinity said...

How was Beowulf? Sorry not to see you...

Do you still have some of my books? Next time I see you bring them along and I'll take them away from your book pile (ironically, I think I passed them over to you when I was moving house...).