Monday, February 06, 2012

experiments with the future (techy)

so i've got an audition/interview for the music therapy masters a week today -

it's making me think about possible future gig setups...

because for the application i had to make some video's of myself playing - and in one video i was manipulating reverb - this was part of the performance...

it's something i've been thinking about for awhile - taking the lovely things i have @ home & putting them on stage - but this particular thing takes place inside my massive G5 mac that is way too big to be lugging around for gigs...

so a macbookpro is my preferred object of fantasy future with this... but there are no macbookpro's on my horizon & this audition is a week away...

i am making my life difficult with this as the reverb that i want is 30odd seconds long - & the longer your reverb the more processing it takes to handle (in the reverb world i'm in right now - convolution reverbs)

so this week i've been looking at whether i can use this little white PC laptop for the same thing...

to be clear - the thing i want is to be able to run audio through a particular impulse response and i want to be able to control the amount that gets sent to the reverb from my lovely purple beast...

no small ask...

i've found a free convolution reverb VST... freeverb3 -

i've tried it within cubase 5 which i've got already - rigged up the purple beast with it and that's working - but the sound that's coming out has got a few glitches...

i've tried it within ableton 7 which i've got already - didn't get as far as rigging up the purple beast because the audio is way glitchy... almost a thing of beauty in a modern music sense but not what i want...

i've tried it in something called minihost - and it's worse than cubase but not as bad as ableton... didn't rig up the purple...

it's possible there may be another stand alone VST host that can do it...

i'm considering trying a whole new operating system - ubuntu studio - but that hasn't happened yet... once it's in the software will be ardour - who knows...?

and then maybe the VST isn't the way - maybe there's a different way of doing convolution reverbs in PC's without VST?

so that's where it's @... nutty chasing of something that perhaps i don't really need... that's sometimes how it goes x


Anonymous said...

good luck. you seem to have just the right amount of obsession to
be successful - and an obsessed
pianist is a beautiful creature.

longcat said...

thanks... & your right, obsession does help sometimes x

reginag said...

Sounds cool. I may take a closer look.

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