Monday, March 07, 2011


well... a kind of peace... at least peace as compared to last week...

last week was a bit mad, and it was all because my landlord is putting the rent up by 30% - £350/month more...

mixed me right up it did...

anyway - i'm staying here at least until may, one month into the new rent - assuming that happens and is legal... (i'm seeking citizen's advise)...

the novel is still going, part of it may have to be told in the form of a childrens television program that the kids in the novel are watching... i've been writing the theme tune all weekend...

and i've been reading old blog posts from years back - 2004... found a lovely one from just after me & P began (P who is reading the 1st few bits of the novel now) partly about having a smooth ride on my shopping trolly in waitrose...

and the sun is shining x

E's been here & she's coming back later... x


Unknown said...

Hey, that sounds pretty horrible, are you OK? xxx

Unknown said...

PS this is felinity kat (in case you were wondering), different Google account. x