Saturday, March 19, 2011

march improv walking

this from thursday morning...

today though was a killer day, the day that the moon is closest to us... i took a walk... once this video was rendering... did the 2 part... got told i looked like a movie star in jai... then up to the big green... standard circuit...

found myself saying to an almost complete stranger: "look after that leg" as she left the shop...

lovely S in there asked me about my living stuff - landlord - and of course it brought it all to mind, put the afternoon in perspective, this area that i love, coming home to this flat that i love, that balthazara loves...

and it does make me sad... seeking advice on monday...


Thursday, March 10, 2011


just a brief one... i was working with refugees today, and i recorded a sudanese man, we made a very bare bones track called supermarket... bare bones on my end at least... how nice it is to record original music that sounds so wonderful from such an original source...

that's all... listening to last sunday's jarvis which is characteristically marvellous x

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

slightly further afield

funny old thing, living... i get that big shock last week and it rules my life for a week... then this week, even though the news is still the same, i'm much more relaxed and i'm back to thinking about the novel again, (not that that stopped last week),

as E tells me, i do need to to give my housing situation a lot of thought, but i will think about it in my own time... & today has been lovely...

oh & thanks felinity, it has been grim and will be grim again... but for now i'm ok...

i got up slowly, in the way that i do only on day offs in the week...

gradually working out to how to do what E wants me to do with her computer... then around 1:30 i look @ the time and i'm out of the house, doing the 2 part... just making it into jai before 2 for part 2 - the dall... then up to the big green bookshop and i order this years proust (novel writing cannot interrupt the slow moving proust)... and all three of them are in... even lovely S whose day off it is... and who has moved out of london... shockingly...

i agree to lend them my amp for their comedy night on friday, and then me & S walk up the road to alexandra palace station where he embarks further north, and i decide to cross the railway tracks and cycle through ally pally's park on the way home... not a journey i've ever really done, not like this anyway...

i met a man, watching the birds on the reservoir there - much interesting talk which may effect the novel (doesn't everything) about the ring main and the gulls... then cycling down on the edge of the park back to turnpike lane (the road) and home...

the sun shining underneath some forbidding clouds...



Monday, March 07, 2011


well... a kind of peace... at least peace as compared to last week...

last week was a bit mad, and it was all because my landlord is putting the rent up by 30% - £350/month more...

mixed me right up it did...

anyway - i'm staying here at least until may, one month into the new rent - assuming that happens and is legal... (i'm seeking citizen's advise)...

the novel is still going, part of it may have to be told in the form of a childrens television program that the kids in the novel are watching... i've been writing the theme tune all weekend...

and i've been reading old blog posts from years back - 2004... found a lovely one from just after me & P began (P who is reading the 1st few bits of the novel now) partly about having a smooth ride on my shopping trolly in waitrose...

and the sun is shining x

E's been here & she's coming back later... x