Monday, January 04, 2010


so, ages ago i had an idea for a story, based upon my experience in the shower...

it used to make dinah laugh...

anyway, i've started working it into a novel, just working out a rough outline of the plot, more specific at the beginning and a rough direction with a couple of ending ideas, or rather at least 2 things that i know have to happen...

i've been partly inspired by bad television, such as flash forward, i really like that part of my brain that appreciates a good story and notices when bad TV separates from good story telling, and i was thinking, if i have this finely tuned storytelling nerve, can i therefore write a good story...?

and this is kind of the crux of it... i have a few ideas about the basic story, i have notions about why the characters do or have done things... but can i actually write it?


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