Thursday, July 31, 2008


watched a bergman film called wild strawberries on film four, very good, rich... close to an edge...

my first bergman,

also had a random cycle trip, going over to leytonstone to practise vocals with T & S, for friday's gig, sounded great, it's going to be fantastic on friday...

so i cycle to the station in 10 minutes, just in time for a train that would take me 5 minutes from S's house...

but the train doesn't come, a man with a megaphone tells us the train will only go as far as the next stop... there's been a fire... i get talking to an older guy who runs a computer shop and lives near the next stop...

i have no map with me but i'm already late, (S is also late, she works on this same line)

so i start cycling, get to the river lee and cycle down to springfield park, then over that bridge and along through that mad bit of walthamstow marshes, by the reservoirs...

all this i know the way, but once in walthamstow i have only a vague notion of how to get there... so i cycle onwards in that same direction for a bit, roughly the right amount i think... stop and ask directions and get a few different opinions, but im not very clear about the address of where i'm going...

i'm travelling by a piece of partially wooded srcubland, along a road with town on one side and scrubland on the other and S lives on such a road, and i'm near enough now and really expect her house to just appear but strangely it doesn't...

i talk to T & S and S directs me in... i've been on a massive circle...

anyway... we rehearse, we're great, it's too late for the train back but having done it once without knowing where i was going, i'm happy to cycle home, i travel up to walthamstow and cut across the same path by the reservoirs through the north bit of walthamstow marshes... now dark and a stretch of it with no lights at all, i turn off my bicycle lights and let my eyes get used to the limited light around and it's beautiful...

such a lovely day and then night to be out cycling...

ah and the hope...

this being a combined hope for the world a few months from now when , (as seems likely) both Barack Obama and Tzipi Livni will be head of their respective powers...

now as to whether either of these individuals are worthy of the hope, or rather, whether any individual can make a difference in this very corporate of worlds who can say?

but tonight, i have hope...


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