hard to describe it but behind the note i know what kind of headspace she was in when she wrote it... a fairly petty, irritating headspace... and i read it just as my day was coming into focus.. i tried not to let it get to me but as i took my morning shower i could feel it buzzing around, as i became more conscious i could feel this point, a little like an insect sting/bite rising within me...
turned on my computer because i needed to check some information before i set off for work and someone had left a comment on my blog (this very blog) which might well have been left with some nice intention but was not percieved like that by me this morning, friend to the friendless... singling me out as being the friendless...
tempting to simply reply with a f**k off but i didn't, just let this new irritating thing join with the note...
then i was just leaving the house and i found that my back bicycle tire was completely flat...
and i comforted myself with the thought that they come in 3's, these irritating things, and that was my 3...
and lo & behold i managed to shake off the cloud and go about my day... taught a good keyboard lesson with the other keyboard teacher taking half the group, experimental time for us as we check out how best to combine our talents, promising beginning,
and then i was in town, bicycleless (i had no time to deal with the flat tire this morning, took the train in), in this grey day, with my camera... so i stooged about abit...
i was videoing the water of the thames and i fell into a conversation about the tide with a passing banker type, quite a banking hour or so it was in fact because i decided to go and seek out something M had told me about last night, right in the heart of the banking part of the city (bank - funnily enough)...
i almost couldn't get to it because it's part of a posh bar/restaurant with a dress code - (me in standard issue longcat scruffiness) but i managed it... and it was pretty great, very odd...

through the garden you get to a viewing platform which suspends you over the bank crossroads... i didn't hang out too much up there but i'll be returning again many times... high rooftops in london so do it for me...
after this little adventure i got a bus up to angel to check out which films i could see with the last of the free cinema tickets, that expired today, i had two tickets but couldn't raise another film lover (friendless you see) so i settled on watching wolf creek on my own, with the option of another film later in the day if i wanted it...
wolf creek was an hour or so off yet and i decided to hang out in angel instead of popping home, had i had my bicycle i'm sure i would have just come home and i like the fact that i didn't, that a different routine brought something different from me...

quite content by the time i got to the cinema, the canal perfect for me...
and then wolf creek absolutely ripped that contentment to pieces... horrible film... good, but horrible, felt cheated by it somehow in a way that i can't describe without giving away the film - which i'm not going to do - even though i would strongly recommend that you not watch it... horrible thing...
walked back through highbury and holloway listening to gil scott heron, that cloud from my morning solidly back around my shoulders... the sky above actually clearing just a little, patches of blue sky through the grey...
typical of autumn really for me this day, bits of moodyness, bits of good free inspiration and hope... the last day of september...