Thursday, July 07, 2005

sleeping through bombs

i spoke to P this morning when i woke up, she told me there had been many bombs exploded on public transport in london, it didn't make any sense to me, but i was very glad i was in bed...

this was around 11:30, i went up to the tv room and sat in front of it all for an hour or so, finally got through to those i wanted to get through to on the phone,

had i been working this morning i would have cycled near where the bus exploded (russell square) but about half an hour after it all happened, also it wasn't very long ago since i was using the picadilly line at around these times where it seems a bomb exploded on a train...(?)

so that's fairly scary, for now i'm just glad to be safe, although shocked, really want to know exactly what happened... keep thinking of other people who might have been hurt and trying to get in touch with them... mobile phone network terrible but texting effective...

meant to be @ work later today, unlikely many of my interview subjects will show so maybe no point but can't deny i have a perverse desire to go, to cycle across this mad london and check it out,

the tv news playing down the number of casualties but i realise i have a morbid fear of, and fascination for, the full news gradually coming into view.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you are OK. I was shocked by how upset I was this morning - I felt paniced by the fact that I couldn't get hold of people.
