Monday, February 28, 2005


so today i finished reading the pulp fiction that i started last week, good in the end... pleasing as this kind of books often are, the ending validating the sometimes below par quality of the rest..

also just watched the ending of beautiful dreamer the film about brian wilson... & smile... and it moved me hugely, i've known for awhile that i find an audience cheering and clapping to be deeply moving, and at the end of that film, the royal festival hall gig that was the result of a hard journey reworking smile.. the immense cheer that greeted him at the end of the gig, i cried... but then i'd already been crying as brian (first name terms me & brian) was struggling with the weight of the personal demons he had to face by doing that album and that gig... it means that the whole story is one of finding peace with old demons which is always welcome...

saw P yesterday, might see her every now and again rather than lose her company altogether - which is always what we want to do at first...

really want to get performing with my stuff, brian wilson such an inspiration, then and now...


1 comment:

trave said...

hey bro, sorry to 'hear' about you and P...

I just finished the Da Vinci code too (assuming that is the pulp fiction you write of). An enjoyable bit of nonsense, really.

D x