Thursday, August 12, 2010

magical menagerie & the sopranos

these days i watch way too much average TV... average to below average...

true blood is still good... and probably will remain so... i'm watching the 3rd season gradually as it is on in america... as i am watching warehouse 13's 2nd season... warehouse 13 being not as good but still mostly good... with the odd duff episode thrown in sadly...

also warehouse 13 got me into eureka... which i wish hadn't happened... a character from eureka turned up in warehouse 13 so i got hold of the 1st season of eureka and it's terrible... well... it's mostly half good... with the odd really terrible episode and once in a while there is a good episode... i'm about 3 episodes from the end of this season and... i know... why am i watching it?

some completeness thing i have i think...

anyway, i've decided to go back to the source and i'm currently getting hold of the entire 6 seasons of the sopranos... all of which (except for the last 9 episodes) i watched back when it was on british TV... somehow i missed the last 9 and i was thinking of getting hold of just them but it's been so long that i think i'm ready for the whole thing again...

it'll take awhile to get here... it's on it's way...
and then, just a few pictures of what me & grace got up to on sunday... except that blogger is odd these days with me & pictures... and i don't have the brain right now to go the long way around... so this is the only picture you have... suitably mysterious... the fantastic up down lever on one of the fish... so much fun...

more information another day x

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