Thursday, March 13, 2008

kat flap

on sunday floopy was round with his tools and he put in a cat flap for us....

balthazara has been very wary of it...

day by day since then she's got closer to it, sniffing it... and this morning just after the dawn project i saw her pushing it open with her nose, just a bit, but enough to show she could easily push it all the way..

then tonight dinah brought my attention to the sound of the catflap and whether balthazara had just gone out... we had a look and it became clear she really was outside and she'd used the cat flap...

(this makes me very happy)

(her poos have been getting much bigger)

and then over on the other side of the river, my sister felinity has moved in the last few days into a new flat with her G, i'm popping over there next wednesday to check it out...

all this while our own flat is gradually nearing completion...

and week 53 of the dawn project this morning looked just like week 1 had, beams of refracted sunlight searing across the screen...

stupid early mornings abound but life is good x

1 comment:

trave said...

Chatouille has had a cat flap for a couple of months now, and although she will go out through it occasionally, she won't come back in through the cat flap! We quite often get home from work to find her waiting (not always patiently) to be let back in...