Sunday, September 09, 2007

GRRRP new cycle maps

i had just numerically ordered my old cycle maps from 2002 and 2004 as part of the GRRRP and i thought, wouldn't it be great if they'd updated them by now, i was expecting an update in march 2006 but it hadn't happened...

imagine my delight when i found these brand spanking new cycle maps that were made in august 2007...?

i heartily recommend you order yourself some if you live in london with a bicycle... they are excellent and they are free.... you can order 6 at a time...

i was cycling around fulham the other day following one of the 2004 ones and it led me the wrong way down a one way street and i thought, you know they should update these... AND THEY HAVE!!!

the numbering system has changed, we used to live on 5 and get the 10 out when we got to town but it's all changed now, can't wait to see them...

and yes, the GRRRP...

being the Great R's Room Regeneration Project, (R being the 1st letter of my real name), me & dinah, although much more her than me, are undertaking it... if i was doing it on my own i'd have moved everything how i wanted it by now and there would be a huge pile of random stuff in one corner of the room that i would then cover with something and forget about for a couple of years, but no, we are boobelahs now and dinah has a way with these things,

all the stuff is being gone through carefully, much, much recycling and throwing out, order is being returned to this room of mine... it's amazing, she's amazing, i have no real stomach for it but she's a trooper, just how long it stays this way is another matter but it is a miracle in the doing...

so the big objects have yet to move but the stuff is diminishing...

more as the GRRRP continues...


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