Thursday, November 03, 2005


bicycle stupidity at that... on a par with when i fell off my bike because i was reading the map while cycling... but no injuries this time...

my front wheel got a puncture, which i've been waiting for, so i could get a new inner tube with the same kind of valve as the back tire...

so yesterday i walked down hornsey road to the bike shop and they said they didn't have time to fit it but i could buy one... (an inner tube), ok, so i got it, walked the bike home again and swiftly left the house heading down to the angel to meet felinity... we ate and watched wallace & grommit and it was lovely, (we also saw these blue symbols embedded in the pavement on chapel market... marking where the canal goes underground...)...

i got home and set up the video for lost, K was watching attack of the clones and i'm glad because no matter how stupid i might have been there's no way i could match the stupidity of these new starwars films...

anyway, once videoing i decided to replace the inner tube on my front wheel, discovered that in fact to replace the inner tube i had to take off the entire wheel... you live & learn... then i discovered that i'd bought an inner tube with the same mismatched valve on it as my last - now broken - inner tube, the guy in the shop obviously seeing which kind of valve i had already on there and giving me the same type... helpful...

i went round the inside of the outer tube and found the tiny shard of glass that had made the puncture, got it out... feeling pretty conscientious... put the new inner tube in, fought with my bike to get the wheel back on, pumped it up...

and heard the unmistakeable sound of air escaping... another puncture, there must have been two tiny shards of glass i thought to myself... the new inner tube pucturing even now as i put it... having fought for so long with the beast i gave up and went upstairs to watch the video of lost with G (pretty good this week, it's picking up lost is)...

just before i went to bed last night i went to pack up the bike fixing mess and discovered that the new inner tube that i'd bought was still lying over the back of the chair i'd been sat on...

i'd taken out the old inner tube and put it right back in again... the new puncture was the old puncture... stupid...

and today would have been so nice to cycle through - well, cold for sure but nice... the bright sunlight making buildings glow against the dark clouds... the patches of blue inamongst it all... leaving work tonight i had such fun kicking through the leaves underfoot... so anyway i have to do it all again now... that'll learn me...


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