not that i'm entirely free of anxiety but mostly i'd say - which is a blessing... just how i'll be in 12 hours when my working day is coming to a close i can't say...
had another glorious day... met the world and their dog...
having seen someone close to me being manic all those years ago does cast my current behaviour in that kind of light - not that i'm manic exactly but i have ups & downs & these nutty meeting people days have much up in them...
took one of my keyboards back from the prog guy just as i agreed to lend another keyboard to YouMeBumBumTrain... & so far i've agreed to play next thursday for them... will almost certainly do more than just 1 night - although have yet to sort it out.
one of the men i met tonight (monday night) gave me an iced bun... he was scottish & ambidextrous...
one of the women let me have a little bit of her water x